Monday, July 31, 2006
Coming to an End!
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
Update on the boys!

Friday, July 21, 2006
Well, I Did It!!!

After the 5 minutes hair chop, I looked at Ben and realized he looked so much older. I do admit the haircut looks great and it was needed! So here is the after shot with no duck tail. If you see us, please do not ask what happened to the curl in the back, I still may cry - j/k!

Wednesday, July 19, 2006
13 Thursday

13 Unusual/Interesting Facts about the Boys!
1. They were both delivered at night, in the same hospital, and by the same doctor! I was induced with both on their due date!
2. Carter has 2 different shaped ears.
3. Carter has a elf bite on his right ear (a little piece out of it)!
4. Benjamin's pinky toes turn in - like my family. I will not give away which parent, right mom!
5. Both boy's fingernail grow so fast, they get cut twice a week. They are also paper thin like mine!
6. Both boys looked just like Ryan when they were born. As Ben gets older, he looks more like my family (still has daddy's eyes), the older Carter gets, the more he is looking like Ryan's family!
7. They both weighed the same at 4 months!
8. Both have BIG BLUE eyes.
9. Ryan took a picture of Benjamin at 4 months. I entered it in a photo contest. The picture made it to the semi-finals. It didn't win, and I didn't by the $80.00 coffee table book that is was "supposed" to be in.
10. Benjamin's belly button is an inny, Carter's is an outty!
11. Carter has a birth mark on his left leg.
12. Benjamin has 2 scars on his face (already), 1 - falling into a cabinet door on Halloween this year, 2 - swing the bat to hard and landing into the french doors! Cried hard on both!
13. They both have brought so much joy into our lives!
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
Picture Time

Monday, July 17, 2006
Slow Week

Thursday, July 13, 2006
Thirteen Thursday
1. Benjamin doing his wiggles dance!
2. Benjamin coming to tell me that his daddy isn't playing baseball fare! (Mainly him not wanting anyone else to bat!)
3. Benjamin cutting his eyes at me and laughing out loud when he thinks he got away with something.
4. Benjamin going through the house looking for me yelling "mom-mee", or "MAMA", and then finding me and hugging my leg!
5. Benjamin pretending to swing his bat to show people how to hit the ball.
6. Tickling Benjamin and listening to him laugh/scream out loud.
7. Feeding Carter and watching him taste the food for the first time (mainly because he gets this look of "what did you just put in my mouth?" - and then he spits it out - He WILL be my picky eater (mom, stop laughing, I know I deserve it.))
8. Watching Carter recognize his bottle, he starts kicking his feet with excitement.
9. Listening to Carter laugh.
10. Watching Carter turn completely sideways so he can see his daddy and brother playing b-ball.
11.Talking to Carter and hearing him grunt and talk back.
12. Watching Carter and Benjamin wrestle together, they both just crack up!
13.Watching Benjamin claim Carter when other kids come over and try to talk to him. He wants them to know that is HIS baby ( and usually he will say "my baby"!!
Monday, July 10, 2006
Hot, Hot, Hot!

Friday, July 07, 2006
Ben, Ben - The Baseball Fan!

Benjamin is crazy over baseball! Everything revolves around his bat, ball, and glove. Most of the time it is adorable. He is now asking to watch baseball over Barney or Bob (the Builder). We had to record a baseball game because that is the first thing he ask to watch in the mornings! Not to mention the fact he wears baseball pj's, and he will only take those off if we put another baseball something on him! He wants you to throw the ball to him so he can hit it, he loves throwing the ball to you (you must be wearing his glove). It is precious when he comes and gets you and says "play, play", and hands you his glove. We have even gotten him to say "Go Rangers!" His baseball lingo is funny. He loves to say "hit bat", "strike", and "play ball". One thing that cracks me up, anytime we pass the church he points and says "church". I say that is great Benjamin, what do we learn there? His first reply is "God" - good Ryan and I are dong our job. Okay, Benjamin what else do we learn there, next reply "baseball!" Okay so 1 out of 2 isn't bad. But the way I see it, his dad plays on a church softball team, so maybe church and God love baseball too! I bet it doesn't have anything to do with the huge assortment of balls in the youth room at church! So attached are two picture of my MVP in action. Well one of them was taken at a Ranger game, he was wanting to catch a foul ball!
Thursday, July 06, 2006
Fireworks - No Way!

We spent the past couple of days at Table Rock Lake up in AK & MO with Ryan's older brother. We had such a great time. Both boys did super in the 7 hour car ride to and from. Carter was a great just being past around, put in his bouncer, and wearing the life jacket that swallowed him whole. Benjamin had a great time too. Although, everything we did started out with "No way". Ben do you want to get in the boat? - "No way!" Once we got in the boat, he was fine. Benjamin, do you want to get in the lake and swim, "No way!" Once he saw Ryan in the water, you couldn't stop him from jumping in. The only thing that was a for sure "No way" was the fireworks! Man did he not like the sound of the boom! Both nights (3rd & 4th), he had a death grip on me! Maybe next year, he will enjoy the fireworks! Thank E & R for a great trip! Attach is a picture of the boys on the 4th! Happy 4th birthday cousin W, glad we were there to celebrate!