Ben hitting the ball during his last. They allowed the kids 3 pictches before they had to use the tee. Ben hit it everytime (out to the grass).
All my boys on Father's Day, I got these shirts as a surprise for their daddy. They wore them to church and were so proud!
All my boys on Father's Day, I got these shirts as a surprise for their daddy. They wore them to church and were so proud!
Carter doing the hokey pokey during a break at the Kane County Cougar game.
We are still here! I have been lacking on my blogging this summer. Sorry to the family and (few) readers that keep up with us. We just got back from our vacation: Ryan and I went to Europe and the boys went to Missouri! Ryan and I had a great time, and the boys had a blast with cousins! I will post about our trip later. Here are a few pictures of the boys incase you miss seeing them! I will try and do a better job about posting.