One thing that the boys LOVE to do when there is snow is to go sledding. We have a great hill by our house. On the weekends when there is snow, the kids in the neighborhood all go there for fun. You should hear the laughing as they go flying down the hill.

We went to the bulls game on Friday. The game went into overtime with the bulls winning! The boys had such a great time. They were into the game yelling and singing the songs. Everyone around us would crack up laughing when Carter would get up and dance!

The boys have spent the last couple of days playing out in the snow. Ben has his wish of not moving to Austin until after the snow. We had a snowball fight and tried to build a snowman, but the snow was like powder and didn't stick together. We are excited that the temperature is back up in the 20's and 30's. We had a day when it was 3 degrees, know that's cold folks! We said we were actually glad it warmed up to the 20s. Even though it is cold, I am trying to enjoy this weather. Hopefully I will never have to experience it again. I am looking forward to packing up the snow gear!