Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Carter Update

Carter enjoying the ribs!
Carter just waking up from a afternoon nap at Mum's.
Changing clothes after bathtime.
Carter going fishing with brother!
After 6 weeks of knowing how to walk but choosing to crawl instead, Carter is finally walking! YEA! I think he finally realized that walking is just as easy as crawling! I will send out a video of him walking later to the family, friends I will spare you the entertainment! He is such a happy little boy, lots of smiles and hugs. Carter loves all kinds of playing balls and ballons. He is such a great little eater, eating almost all day long! He is starting to like the trains, but he mainly like driving pretend cars! Carter loves being outside, and he cries and cries when you bring inside!

1 comment:

Pearson Family said...

I was hoping for updates since you commented on my blog! Carter and Ben are just so stinking cute! Loved the tie on Benjamin and I am excited to see Carter movin it all over the place!