Thursday, May 15, 2008

Pictures of the boys!

Before you freak, the snake is stuffed, not alive! When we went to Florida over spring break, we ate dinner at the place called the Linger Lodge. They had all kinds of reptiles stuffed on the wall. Benajmin hated it, Carter couldn't get enough of it. He wanted his picture taken by the snake. I have another picture of the waitress lifting him to be close to the snake stuffed along the ceiling, CRAZY boy!
No Fear Man, exept heights!
Can you lean to the right?
Benjamin is posing by sitting on a basketball. He is wearing one of his B-ball jerseys trying to be serious!
Daddy's roping days are coming back.


Sunny said...

Oh my! Is this what I have to look forward to with boys?!

I didnt realize you went to church with Tim and Deb!! Wow! Tell them hi for me!

Margaret K said...

Wow, Carter is looking so grown up these days! Isn't it neat how different the boys are? It makes life more interesting. I missed seeing you guys when I was in town. I'll catch you next next time.