Monday, January 26, 2009

Saturday Adventure

What do you do when it is 10 degrees outside in Illinois? You go see the dog sled teams and spend the morning ice skating on the local pond that is frozen. Carter loves dogs! At the exhibit, they had dogs you could pet and even adopt. Carter managed to kiss and lick every dog there (and they did the same to him), and luckily we didn't leave with a dog. The boys keep asking when we can get a dog, I finally have a good answer - when we move from the snow, ice, and freezing weather!
When the ponds are safe to skate on, a green flag is posted. I have to admit, I was really nervous about getting on the pond. But once you are on there and can see that it is frozen several feet, there are no worries. The boys did okay for their first time skating. It was very, very cold, so neither one of them seem to enjoy it when the cold did finally set in. Carter did have a blast walking around on the pond while I chased him.

We do have a couple of cold days this week, but I am hoping we will get up into the 20s soon. We had a heat wave last week when Thursday and Friday we were in the 30s.


Margaret K said...

Looks like fun!

melanie said...

How fun for your boys to get to experience some of these things. I always wanted to go ice skating on a pond. Looks like fun!