Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Where did the corn go?

Ben favorite saying. "Yep, that's right Daddy!"

We had a fun and exciting dinner last night. Ben was going 90 miles per hour all day. It took him 1 1/2 hours to fall asleep at naptime. He was in high speed all day! Last night we sat down for a normal usual dinner. The boys had cheese pizza and corn. We said our prayer and away we went eating. Carter for some strange reason didn't eat, mainly just playing with the food - very strange for him! And Ben was slowly making progress on his dinner. I looked up to see a kernal of corn in his nose! "Yep, that's righ Daddy - in his nose! I jumped up to walk over to him, at the same time be began snorting it up his nose. I yanked him up as he was saying, "mommy, corn in my nose; mommy, corn in my nose." He also began digging his finger up his nose to try and touch it. I took him off to find something to yank it out with, no luck. He sneezed and coughed a couple of times, I thought my time had passed to retrieve it. We went back to the table to finsh dinner. All along Ryan is trying to tell Benjamin what a bad choice that was, how it could hurt his nose, and if he did it again, he would get spanked. I had to try so hard not to laugh. When Ben got up from dinner Ryan asked why I thought it was so funny!! I simply explained now I know how he feels. Almost everytime Ben gets in trouble, Ryan disciplines him and then simply shakes his head and says, "man, that is exactly what I used to do." So to finish my story, I was laughing because I was always sticking food (mainly carrots and green beans) in my nose and ears so I didn't have to eat them. I made several trips to the dr's office!! When I called my mother last night, I think she got the biggest laugh of all!


Darby said...

What an interesting way to avoid food, Angie! Too funny...I love it when Ben says that!

Amy C said...

My kids would just have to eat it anyway! After all, it is your nose. I am a terrible mother huh? That is so funny. Have to love it when you have to look away and laugh when disciplining.

Margaret K said...

That is too funny that you both used to do that! Well, at least it is only food. My brother put a purple crayon up his nose and my cousin shoved a rock up his and told my aunt he was looking into the sky when it fell from heaven and landed in his nose.

jenny biz said...

Cracks me up!! You guys are so funny! I have a feeling there are going to be many great stories ahead for the Merriman family:)