Monday, October 29, 2007

Out with the Old - In with the New!

Yes, we have moved and are partially settled. We still have a few boxes left, but for the most part, WE ARE IN! I had to put the pictures of the old and new house, because it was such an emotional experience. Probably wouldn't have been bad if the lightning wouldn't have struck the old house days of both contracts were place. But, as you can see all is good!
I had to put these 2 pics on. My friend and I spent countless hours painting these on the boys wall. Carrie will be heart broken when she finds out 2 days after we moved out, they were painted over!!!!!

New house, YEA!
A huge thanks to everyone that helps us move! We could not have done it that fast without you guys. I have also been in the dark because our internet service was not hooked up for 10 days, they kept messing up our order. I felt lost without internet, and poor Ryan had to work from Starbucks those day! I think we are all adjusting to the move 1 street over. I finally had time tonight to download the 600+ pictures on my camera, so over the next few days I will post all the exciting things that happened when we were internetless: triplets 30th birthday, Benjamin's birthday and pumpkin patch, baseball game, and more!


jenny biz said...

Congrats, Merriman's!! Love the new house! Glad you guys are getting settled!

Unknown said...

Congrats on the new house! We were so sad to miss Ben's big party, but we have him a gift and will send it via Mom and Dad or "drop in" to see the new place! :) Glad you guys are doing great!

Margaret K said...

Can't wait to see the new house! Glad you are settled.

Pearson Family said...

Love the new house! 10 DAYS without internet!!! 600 pictures!! I am looking forward to seeing them.

Phillips Family said...

Love the new house! Glad the move was successful (despite the whole lightening thing)