Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Easter Joy!

At Mum's house having a picnic outside!
Funny man!
Yes, this was his Easter picture. Lets just say he didn't like the tie. I didn't even dare try to put the boys together for a picture. I was afraid biting would occur.
This would be little brother telling me he didn't like the tie. At least his stayed on 5 minutes longer than Ben's.
Of course Benjamin wanted nothing to do with the Easter bunny, but Carter couldn't wait to get his picture made with him. I think he knew he would get a sucker. This was at Ft. Richardson the State Park. Each year they host a Easter egg hunt. I liked it because the little guys were in a different group. They boys loved hunting for eggs. Benjamin was on the prowl to collect the most eggs. Carter just wanted to take it easy and eat the candy in between hunting the eggs. Needless to say we got plenty of candy, and it all went to my students on Monday morning.

1 comment:

Darby said...

We missed you guys on Easter but it looks like you had a blast! I love the ties, too bad the boys didn't!