Saturday, March 29, 2008

Rained out game!

Today was supposed to be Benjamin's first Blastball game. The coach called us at 8:20 this morning to tell us "no game." We still had pictures, so we waited until we were in the car to tell Benjamin no game. He handled it great. He asked if he was still going to see his baseball friends and could he still drink his gatorade? Yes to both! Anyway pictures took over 1 hour, yuck! But we really had a chance to talk with all the little guys and girl and their parents. Benjamin had a great time as did Carter. Here are a few pictures from the morning. Carter wanted his picture taken too, so after big brother's team moved off the bench for the team photo, lil bro moved in for his big shot!


Unknown said...

Wow, he's old enough to play baseball! How exciting! Hope it's a fun season for everyone!

Darby said...

What a big boy! I didn't know they had bball for 3yo boys! Please send us his schedule so we can come out for a game or two!