Monday, November 17, 2008

A Little bit of snow!

Boys at the pumpkin patch in Lewisville Benjamin at the ER getting 4 stitches
Carter at the State Fair of Texas
Benjamin got the game ball at the next to the last T-ball game!

We woke up to a thin layer of snow on the ground, not too bad; but it is COLD here! The sad thing is it will get much colder here! We are almost all unpacked. I think I counted 3 boxes left in the bedroom. I should be able to knock those out today. We had a great weekend here. On Saturday, we took the boys bowling. This was our first adventure with them. We decided to go ahead and pay for 2 games. Well 1 would have been good. Even though we got through the 2 games it took us telling the boys they needed to bowl their game. The boys had a blast. Benjamin got a strike his first time. It was so cute, he was jumping around giving us high fives. Then he said, "yea, I am great at bowling just like my friend Rylan!" So Kelli and Lane, I think we may have a family challenge at the bowling alley next time we are in town! Sunday, we went to church, they boys seemed to enjoy their classes and new playmates. When we were leaving Benjamin asked, "is there not more mommy?" So I guess that is a good thing! I did meet 3 other women and we are getting together this week for a play date. Little Carter is hitting a funny spell, I think he is just now starting to get shy around girls. Two times last week, he got silly eyes and pointed to 2 different girls. We met Ryan for dinner on Friday night, Carter pointed to a girl at the next table, and then quietly said, "Hello Gorgeous!". She didn't hear, but I wanted to laugh so hard - he is a little charmer! Ryan spent Sunday afternoon playing baseball with the boys at the field down from our house, and I was able to run errands and go to the grocery store in one piece.


Margaret K said...

Glad you are adjusting well! That is so cute about Carter? When did Ben get stitches? I will have to go back and check.

Darby said...

Sounds like you are adjusting! We can't wait for house pics!

And OMG...Carter is hilarious...I love that little guy, and Ben too!

Aunt Darby

Jamie Rye said...

Hey we miss you guys sooo much:( I'm sure it is getting cold there!! I definitely remember! Every-night knox and i watch the news to see what the weather is in Chicago! I think it is so exciting ya'll live there now we have fam on the west coast mid west and east coast:) Hopefully we can come up after thanksgiving. Knox said that Carter got his smooth moves from him:)haha love ya'll Jamie