Thursday, February 26, 2009

Life Lessons

Poor little Benjamin, he has a hard time learning those simple life lessons. We went to McDonald's today for our normal Thursday routine, the boys love the Mickey's Ds by our house because it has a basketball goal in it. Benjamin has a very sweet side to him, and sometimes because of that sweetness, bigger (older) kids pick on him. Remember 2 years ago when he was "pants -ed" at Chick-fi-la, well today another lesson. Benjamin was playing basketball and 2 older kids came and took his basketball right out of his hands. I didn't see it, but I did get the end results of a crying boy. I wanted to teach my sweet little boy how to be nice but still take up for himself. So here is my advice - "Did it hurt your feelings when the boys took the basketball away from you?" = "yes", "Well remember how you felt and you shouldn't ever do that to anybody else because you don't want to hurt someone feelings." - "Okay" "BUT next time bigger kids try to take something away from you, you yell "NO" very loud and take it back." Don't know if that was the best advice, but I said it. Carter on the other hand, never worry about him. In fact, when I told my mother this story, she asked, "Where was Carter, he didn't handle it?" Laughing I said no, he was on the other side of them room. Carter is usually the one looking out for big brother, he doesn't mind taking on the world especially if he is defending his brother.

1 comment:

courtney said...

That is pretty much Landry and Korley. Landry is my sweet, sensitive one and Korley is my fiesty, agressive, "stick-up-for-herself" one!

In fact, the other day our kids were at the (gross!) play area in the mall and this kid kept slapping Landry on the face. She finally came and told me and pointed him out and I said, "LANDRY! He's two!--Tell him NO!" Had Korley been there, he wouldv'e gotten slapped back. (Again, not the best thing to do, but Korley has a mind of her own!)