Thursday, February 19, 2009

More pictures!

London, it is hard to believe she is in school now. We don't get to see her as much now, and we miss her! I call her my sweet red hair angel! I love it because every now and then (and I mean very little) she gives a sweet little pouty lip that reminds me so much of myself. I knew she had some of her GeGe in her, that's my baby!
3 cousins after church at Mum's

Carter wanted this picture posted because he loves basketball! Zane and Carter at his party. Carter keeps asking to see his basketball pictures over and over again. The boys start a basketball class next week at the Y. We are all looking forward to that class. The boys can't wait, they keep talking about what uniform they will wear. They keep the wrist bands close. I will try and get a picture before class.

Carter before his first day of school (Mother's Day out) - 2 weeks away! He was really proud of his lunch box, I think he is more excited about what was in there - juice and chips (which he really gets).

Benjamin's picture - he picked out his outfit. He wanted to wear is aggie jersey for the first day, grandad is very proud! Ben is my little sweetie! The teacher bragged about his manners, especially at lunchtime around the table!


Becky Lynch said...

It is so hard to believe our babies are this big!

jen armstrong said...

love that little aggie ;)

so glad you got to visit home again!