Saturday, April 25, 2009

T-ball, Children's Museum, & Globetrotters

Ben started T-ball today. His team is called the Bees. (Wondering why is hat says NY - the Bees are a minor league team for the New York Mets, also why they are orange and blue instead of yellow like Bees) He was excited to find out he was #10 again! He did a great job hitting and catching. He was so excited, he woke up at 6:10 this moring and asked if he could put on his uniform. Luckily, he went back to sleep.

We went with friends to the Chicago Children's Museum on Thursday. The boys had a blast. There were so many activities for the kids to do. They loved the dinosaur room where they could dig for bones. The also had fun putting on raincoats and playing in the water room, I think they liked getting the parents wet the most. There was a little town where the kids were able to pretend play of pumping gas, driving or riding on a bus, cooking, grocery shopping, and building things - it was too cool. This was a great hands-on museum for the boys, they want to go back soon!

The Monday we got back for our quick Easter trip, we went to the Harlem Globetrotters' game. I had never been, they are quite entertaining. The boys enjoyed the game, they also loved being in arena where the Bulls play.

1 comment:

melanie said...

That is so cute how excited he was about t-ball! Looking forward to seeing more updates on his games.