Sunday, April 26, 2009

You can't fool me!

No pictures, just a quick story about the boys. Today we went as a family to see the movie "Earth". It was interesting, but a little slow at times. The boys did okay during it, but wanted a little more action. It was gory at all, very well done! Anyway, the funny part - during the movie it shows the hunt for several kills (no blood, just chasing). The first one was a wolf and something that looked like a deer, we just said they were playing chase, okay! Next hunt later on in the movie was a cheetah and another deer like movie. Okay, a little more detailed this time. As the cheetah is gripping the animal in his mouth, I tell Carter, "They are just playing chase again. I think he tagged him." Carter looks up to me and says, "No, mommy he is eating him." And then proceeds to growl loud. Okay, maybe I don't need to sugar coat for you anymore. In one scene a huge shark jumps out of the water and eats a seal. Carter would be the only on in the theater that is standing up clapping loud saying, "Way to go Brucey" (the name of his stuffed shark at home). As we are leaving we ask the boys which animals they like the best in the movie. Benjamin answer: all the nice animals, Carter answer: shark and the lion, well that sums it up for us!


Becky Lynch said...

I love reading the stories about your boys! So glad to hear that you guys are doing so well. Hopefully, you have some warmer weather up your way.

Margaret K said...

Too funny! Amazing how different boys can be no matter how close or far away their ages are! I can totally relate!

Beth said...

It's good to have balance in the home! It sounds like you have achieved that!