Thursday, September 07, 2006

13 Thursday - 13 Disgusting Things the boys did this week!

Ben kissing Lady April 2006 (Granddad's dog)

13 Digusting things the boys did this week!
1. Carter pooped in the tub on Wednesday night for the first time ever!
2. Watching Ben try to catch the "poop" (I was quickly trying to get Carter out and then fish Ben out, Ben wanted to stay in with the poop and starting swimming in the water; in return sending the poop around the bathtub too!)
2. Changing both boys poopy diapers at Ckick-fi-la on Wednesday. After changing Ben, I let him down. I went to get Carter and then noticed Ben splashing the water in toilet with his bare hands!
3. As I was running the bath water on Wednesday night, I turned back in the bathroom. Ben had the toilet brush in his mouth!! The sad thing, I was more worried about the residue of chemical products than fecal matter.
4. The boys and I were outside enjoying the nice weather. Ben decides to eat a berry from our shrubs! After I told him, "No, they will make you sick." He then fed them to the neighbor's cats.
5. The boys and I went to Micky D's tonight for dinner (if you haven't picked up on it, Ryan is out of town this week, everything happens when he is gone!), Ben and Cater had a great time playing on the equipment. I don't even want to think how dirty it really is!
6. At Walmart tonight, Carter threw up 2 oz of his bottle. That wasn't the disgusting part (I am used to the spit up). I found the need to clean it up. Have you ever noticed what is on the floor in the produce section at Walmart!
7. Round 2: in the bath tonight (not wanting to be outdone by his brother), Ben poops! I was changing Carter. I walked back in the bathroom to Ben saying, "Mommy, I poop". As I stepped closer, he did poop - really big poop!
8. Okay, I am used to the pooping in the tub. The disgusting thing about Ben's poop. He had taken his foot and smashed it into the tub. Now making it smeared pooped in the tub.
9. As I was leaning over to get Ben, he reached for it and said"Eat poop, Mommy!" I loudy stated, "No, eat poop Ben, that is gross, hurt you." It seemed to work!
10. Cleaning bath tub for a second night that has been contaminated with fecal matter is pretty disgusting! I finally got smart with the toys and put the entire bath toy sack in the dishwasher!
11. Ben picking his nose and wiping it on me.
12. Ben drinking milk too fast. Yes, you guessed it, it comes right back up!
13. Knowing Carter pee peed in the bath water (can't prove it), but then watching Ben drink the water!
I LOVE BOYS!!! I can't image my life any different!


Unknown said...

This is the grossest list! Boys are so funny. Wait to you wipe pee of your mirror like I do.

Darby said... gross...but the little things that Benjamin says makes it cute...and you talking about it is so funny. I salute you, Mommy of Boys! XOXO!

courtney said...

Ang, I've always heard that toilet water is somewhat "clean". Just bathe the boys in the toilet. That way if they pee/poop, just lift them out, flush, and resume!! ;)

1literatimommy said...

the thursday thirteen list is so funny. poop in the bathtub is always shocking, as is playing in a public restroom. as i type that, i am picturing molly with her hands in the toilets while i am trying to coax jack to pee!

jenny biz said...

I sat reading with my hand over my mouth not knowing to gag or laugh;) Too funny!! You are gonna be a pro at all this stuff before long (if not already!)

Margaret K said...

OK, this makes my Thursday 13 cat lists not look so bad. I am happy to say Patrick has never pooped in the bath. We'll see with Nicholas...

Pearson Family said...

I laughed out loud in the Denver airport reading this post today! So Disgusting! Were you gagging!?

Phillips Family said...

I laughed so hard over this list, tears were rolling down my cheeks.

Bless your heart!

Amy C said...

Kids are some gross. I never could have imagined all the nasty things they would get into. I can't believe they don't catch more gunga.

molly said...

woah..thats pretty intense!! hahaha
nut WAY TO GO MOM! keep up the good work--cleaning the messes i mean HAHAHA you make parenting so much easier for me-- cuz i know that im not the WORST off at least..
boys...gotta luv em