Saturday, August 18, 2007


Cartr got a hold of a pink marker at Kidsmuse last week. It took 2 days (and 2 baths) to come off. We called him our zebra for those days.
Benjamin - he loves going in Carter's crib after his nap with Carter. They can play for a long time in there (even without fighting).
Okay, after 2 LONG weeks of getting ready. The "for SALE" sign will go in the yard on Monday. Please pray that it will be quick and as painless as possible - ha, ha! I have to say a big"Thank You" out to our family and friends that helped us get ready for it. We could not have done it without you. Thank you, thank you! For those of you just catching up on your reading. We are trying to find a slightly larger house in the area.


Margaret K said...

I saw the pink stripes on Wednesday night and forgot to ask about them!

Darby said...

Your little guys are fun to be around! Glad that we got to keep them.

The pink marker is cracking me up!

jenny biz said...

Love the pink marker. Wish I could tell you that ended soon but malaya just put a pink stamp in her hair on Monday to make "streaks". HE! Can't wait to hear that you sold your house!!

Pearson Family said...

I like the PINK factor! I am glad that Parker isn't the only one attracted to pink.