Tuesday, August 07, 2007

We are still here!

Benjamin finally looking at the camera and almost smiling. He has reached that point where he turns from the camera because he thinks it funny. I am having a hard time getting pictures of him.
Benjamin and Carter LOVE falling off onto B's bed. We let them do it as long as they don't jump off, only fall. It will keep them entertained for at least 30 minutes. It is so funny to hear them giggling as they are falling on to the bed.
We got sunglasess, SPIDERMAN glass. It is the sweetest thing to see the boys just chillin out wearing ther glasses.
Carter eating breakfast. He wanted to wear brother bandana from VBS. I think he wore it all day!
Now this little guy is my smiler!!! I can even get a "Cheese" out of him. He loves smiling at the camera.
Sorry friends and fam that is has taken me awhile to blog, I know you are waiting on pins and needles for me to write, ha! We have been busy this week decluttering our house. Last week, Ryan and I decided to try and put our house on the market. So this week, I have been boxing up half our stuff for storage. I am going to try not to simplify our stuff better once/and if we EVER make it to a house. We want to stay in TC, just want a extra room for guest and TOYS! So, keep us in your thoughts as we start this wild adventure. Lets hope it is short and pain free.


Darby said...

WOW...I didn't know that you guys were considering moving! Good luck with that, let us know if there is anything that we can do to help. We will definitely say prayers for you to find the house you want and to sell yours!

Margaret K said...

Such pretty blue eyes!

Goog luck with the house hunt.

Beth said...

cuteies! Ethan loves his bandana from VBS also.

jenny biz said...

I love the pic of the boys in their sunglasses. Hope the house sells soon!!