Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Fishing or Swimming?

Each night we try and have family time together. We let the boys alternate each night choosing what they want to do. On Monday night Carter chose fishing, so off we went with rods and a tackle box, diaper bag, and drinks. So, I am sure you are wondering from the picutre (taken when we got home) why Carter isn't wearing any clothes! Well, he went head first into the pond! His clothes and shoes were so wet, we had to strip him down for the ride home due to the chilly wind (and notice I didn't say extra clothes for accidents in the list of items taken with us_. Now before you start to panic about him going into the water, I just want to say Ryan and I were right beside him; he wasn't even in the water more than 10 seconds. I do want to recall the fact that big brother has fallen into the water fishing as well. He was about 19 months old when that happen! So when the family packs up to go fishing, sometimes we decide to swim too!


Darby said...

Ben hooking Daddy still wins the prize for best fishing story!

Miss you guys! XOXO!

Amy C said...

I love your family fun night. YOu guys are great parents. I also like your baseball pictures. Keep up the good work!

Margaret K said...

What fun memories! I love that Ben is finally able to play his favorite game. He looks like he is all ready for the next one.