Monday, October 02, 2006

Finally, An Update!

Carter holding baby Vaughn's hand while she was sleeping! Best buddies!!!
Benjamin has gotten in the habit of watching baseball in our bed before he goes to sleep in his bed. He always wants his milk and cereal too!
Mike and Jodi - these were Carter's first Sunday school teachers! Carter is also stealing his friend's pacifier!

Well, I haven't updated in a long time. We have been busy! Plus, to top it off, my camera broke this past week. It just started taking pictures - ALL BLACK! I feel lost without my camera. Several times this week, I have said, "Oh, I need to take that picture!" And then I remembered, no working camera!!!! So, until I get a new one, you will probably be seeing old pictures.
Lots of things happening in the Merriman household. Last weekend, we went to the coast with friends. We had a blast! The guys went fishing, and we played with the kids. 7 hours in the cars with 4 children was very interesting, but not bad at all!!! This weekend, we had family pictures taken (for the first time) and Benjamin's 2 year pictures. My little boy is turning 2 this weekend. Once again Ryan is out of town all week. So the boys and I are out on an adventure! Carter is moving all over the place, he is a fast little critter! Ben is talking and singing all the time! That is just a short update on us!


Darby said...

So glad to see an update! That is a bummer about your camera, don't worry, you know I will take TONS of pictures on Saturday...ahh the benefit of having a scrapbooking-obsessed sister in law!

Love you guys!

Amy C said...

Did you smack Ben in the head with the camera, is that how you broke it. I noticed the bandage. I don't miss a thing.

Margaret K said...

Ben really looks like you! I always thought he looked like Ryan before. You are so busy!

Pearson Family said...

I can't believe you let him eat cereal on your bed! I hope your camera starts working again!

amerriman said...

The band aid was to cover the crash he did earlier. I think he plunged into something not knowing it was hard. That was on my watch, Ryan was out of town. The Spongebob band aid did help!