Monday, November 27, 2006

Turkey Day

Carter crawling around after a big Thanksgiving meal!
On Friday night we went to Sundance Square for the Christmas Parade.
Family picture - Thanksgiving 2006
Wow! We had such a great Thanksgiving holiday! Ryan was able to work from my parents home on Tuesday and Wednesay, so Monday we headed out to Jacksboro. All of my siblings came in on Tuesday, thank you Knox (& Jamie) and Kyle for your effort to have family time! I think it has been at least 3 years since we have all been together at least once for a holiday! We left on Thanksgiving Day to go to Ryan's parents were the Merriman crew was waiting on us. It is a change going from my family to Ryan's family - the number of adults and kids doubles! We spent the rest of the long weekend with the Merrimans. We had a blast. There are 5 boys under the age of 5, so Ben had a great time with all the cousins. The played outside, played trains inside, and went to the park. We had a wonderful Thanksgiving meal, everyone made their favorite side dish. When you put everybody's favorite together, we get a WONDERFUL meal. And this is coming from a girl that has only eaten 3 traditional Thanksgiving meals in her life, thanks to Ryan! (3 because Ryan and I have been married 4 years, the first Thanksgiving we were in Aruba on our honeymoon, they don't do turkey and dressing there). Speaking of 4 years, Ryan and I had our 4 anniversary on Thanksgiving day. We had actually been celebrating it for about a week starting with the concert last Wednesday night. Our traditional anniversary dinner took place on Saturday night. We always get our favorite appetizers and put up our Christmas tree together (with the stereo blaring Christmas songs.) Looking back, all I can say is what a great holiday with the family! Ryan and I are blessed to have such a wonderful and healthy family.


jenny biz said...

Sounds like you guys had a great week!! You guys are a beautiful family!!

Unknown said...

Those boys are so cute! Glad your week was wonderful!

1literatimommy said...

Congrats on your anniversary. I am jealous about your concert. Sounds like a blast!

Pearson Family said...

Great pictures!! I am glad you had a great Thanksgiving break. I missed seeing you.