Sunday, April 01, 2007

Smart, Funny Boys!

Benjamin playing with bubbles!
Just a swingin'!
Each day the boys amaze me more. I can't believe that Carter understand as much as he does. That little guy has us fooled. He knows everything we are talking about; and if he likes what we are saying, he does it! He was crawling across the floor, and I said, "Carter, stop, stand up, and walk. You know how to walk, stand up and walk." Carter stops, looked up at me, and stood up and starting walking. If I ask him to go get the soccer ball or football, he does. It just amazes me how much their little minds work! Benjamin is excited about baseball season. We are full force hitting the bat, that is his favorite thing to do. He is such a funny little man. He will be the class clown, I wonder which parent he got that trait from. I can already imagine the parent/teacher conferences. Once they meet Ryan, I bet they will not be able to say anything else! For example today at lunch, Ryan was trying to get Benjamin and Parker (one of his friends) to stick their nose and ear into their ice cream cone (free ice cream and kids plate at Dickey's on Sunday). What normal parent would encourage thier child to get ice cream all over their body????


Darby said...

Such cuties...and smarties! Hope to see you guys this week! Love you all!

Amy C said...

The are too cute!

Margaret K said...

It seems like both boys have really gone through a growth spurt lately. They are precious babes!

jenny biz said...

Um..., David. Oh, wait you said normal parent:) Our hubbies definitely don't mind backing into the rules ever so often:) Your boys are growing so fast!