Saturday, May 05, 2007

Merriman Camping Trip

Group picture with all the campers!
Group picture in front of the lake.
Aunt (Re)Becca with Benjamin
2 prego's Rebecca on left 16 weeks, Melissa on right 12 weeks! What will they have???
Benjamin is really big into distinguishing if someone is a boy or girl. So I asked him what the 2 aunties were having. He thinks Rebecca is having a girl and Melissa is having a boy. He says, "Mommy, girl in her tummy." I am already getting the boy vibes for Melissa, but I can't get a reading on Rebecca. We will find out in about 3 weeks though. Doug and Melissa are waiting until birth (November), which I think will be exciting too. I don't have any good stories about the camping trip because I didn't go, all I know is both my boys had a great time! I will be looking forward to going next year. Especially because between the 2 new little ones, I can hold a baby the entire time!


Margaret K said...

Looks like fun!

Darby said...

It does look like they had sorry we missed it too!

I didn't know about Benjamin's baby prediction skills...very cool! I hope that one of the babies is a girl!