Tuesday, May 22, 2007

World's Best Husband

10 Wonderful things Ryan has done for me this past 2 week:

1. Had Merry Maid's come (deep) clean our house for Mother's day.
2. Let me open and wear the earrings I ordered for myself for Mother's day 2 weeks early.
3. Let me sleep in, he got up with the boys (this is my best treat, I hate mornings.)
4. Planned and cooked dinner last night (5/21).
5. Took me shopping at the Harold's outlet this weekend in Austin!
6. Took the family out for ice cream (we love doing this).
7. Met my mother half way to get the boys and I, so we could stay longer at my mother's house (he had to get back to church).
8. He always takes care of mowing the lawn. I don't even have to worry about taking up this task!
9. He let me choose the movie last week from Blockbuster!
10. He cleaned up everything that was on the floor in the bathroom (most of it was his stuff, but he still did it, YEA!)


Amy C said...

Go Ryan. All of that sounds great. Love that Harold's outlet!

Margaret K said...

Maids, shopping and icecream! What a prince!

Darby said...

What a sweet hubs...glad to hear that you guys are doing so well. We miss you!