Tuesday, August 22, 2006


The boys playing together. Ben is actually sharing his blanket with Carter.
Random thoughts and sightings from the boys:
When Ben prays each night, he starts by saying thank you for my family (he usually list the ones he can remember and then we fill in the rest, he always ends with baseball, bats, ball, glove, and sometimes adds homeplate - AMEN!) If the prayer is getting too long, he will throw in the AMEN, and we wrap up!
Ben's favorite commercial on TV is the baseball one where the players are comparing their achievements, and it ends with "Can I get an amen from the bobbleheads?". If you say that to him, he will shake his head like a bobblehead - it is pretty funny!
Carter is starting to push his knees up under him and inch around. Ryan calls it the inchworm crawl. He will be moving around before long!
Carter loves it when Benjamin talks to him. Any noise Ben makes, Carter will look at him and start laughing.
Ben wants Carter to play with him so bad, he just doesn't understand he can not play rough with him! I am not looking forward to the days that WWF takes place in the living room. Something makes me think, Ryan will be right in the middle of it.
Okay this next picture is from our wedding. I always laugh when I see and remember this. On your wedding day you want everything to go perfect. WELL, our limo had a flat on the way to the reception. The driver wanted us to wait while he fixed it, we took the alternate route. We jumped out of the limo, hiked up the hill to my aunt's car! You can see the flat tire, back right!

Okay, the one advice I give new mothers after they have their child. Think about how you are going to look in the pictures. I didn't think about it with Ben, after seeing the pictures, my make-up bag and hair brush were the first things I asked for BEFORE pictures.

Picture of us after Carter - up in my house somewhere!

Picture of us with Benjamin - NOT showing in the house. Ryan learned too, no hats!


Pearson Family said...

You make me laugh Angie! Love the picture of you hiking up the hill in your wedding dress. Hairbrush and makeup not always in the plan! I thought I would look beautiful in emaline's pictures since it was a schedule c-section, then she had to come early...and put me through labor and surgery! My poor kids. No picture up! You look great!

Margaret K said...

I think you look great in both pictures! Ryan, too. I want to see Ben after the bobblehead commercial. That sounds so funny. That's a great wedding story. There always have to be something that goes askew for laughter later.

jenny biz said...

You guys are such a cute family! I love the wedding pic. What a great memory!

Amy C said...

I love the wedding photos. I am going to have to see the bobble head thing. Very funny!

Unknown said...

Your wedding dress was so pretty! My pictures of delivery are awful! You look great in both.