Monday, July 02, 2007

More Beach Pictures

All of the gang minus Rebecca who was taking the picture. These pictures were from Rebecca, Ryan and I did take our camera, but only managed to take 10 pictures. Darby and Rebecca do a MUCH better job than we do!

I am proud to say we are FEVER free! Benjamin has been running around 104 temp since Wednesday night. We cut our trip early from my parents and headed back to the doctor. We left Carter to keep them separated! I find it interesting that when a child is running 104 for over 48 hours the doctor (after checking blood and urine (a whole different story) ) says, "No medicine needed, it will just run its course." Are you kidding me? Well we did, and finally on Sunday, the fever broke! No Ryan and I always thought that when a child runs a fever, they sleep more. Well, that is not the case for us. The nurse said that when it is that high, they are just miserable and can't do anything. I believe it, we were going on about 3-5 hours of sleep each night, having a newborn I slept more! Carter came back to us on Sunday, and so far he is fever free too! Except he is cutting his bottom molars, YUCK! If your child doesn't have problems ( fever, cranking, etc.) when they are teething, please consider yourself lucky!!!

Even though Wednesday night ended bad with Benjamin throwing up all over me and running a high fever. I had a wonderful birthday. Thanks to my sweet husband for your thoughtfulness. And thanks to my 3 buddies that showed up at 8:30 with my favorite doughnuts for breakfast. You guys are the best!!!

We have a special guy up in Monett, MO that is turning 5 today. Happy Birthday Wesley, we will see you on Monday!!


Margaret K said...

Cute! Glad Ben is better. I just enjoyed Carter so much last night. He is so easy going and happy.

Darby said...

I am so glad that Benjamin is feeling better...and that Mommy had a wonderful birthday.

Love you guys!