Wednesday, July 19, 2006

13 Thursday

(See #12, baseball accident)
13 Unusual/Interesting Facts about the Boys!

1. They were both delivered at night, in the same hospital, and by the same doctor! I was induced with both on their due date!
2. Carter has 2 different shaped ears.
3. Carter has a elf bite on his right ear (a little piece out of it)!
4. Benjamin's pinky toes turn in - like my family. I will not give away which parent, right mom!
5. Both boy's fingernail grow so fast, they get cut twice a week. They are also paper thin like mine!
6. Both boys looked just like Ryan when they were born. As Ben gets older, he looks more like my family (still has daddy's eyes), the older Carter gets, the more he is looking like Ryan's family!
7. They both weighed the same at 4 months!
8. Both have BIG BLUE eyes.
9. Ryan took a picture of Benjamin at 4 months. I entered it in a photo contest. The picture made it to the semi-finals. It didn't win, and I didn't by the $80.00 coffee table book that is was "supposed" to be in.
10. Benjamin's belly button is an inny, Carter's is an outty!
11. Carter has a birth mark on his left leg.
12. Benjamin has 2 scars on his face (already), 1 - falling into a cabinet door on Halloween this year, 2 - swing the bat to hard and landing into the french doors! Cried hard on both!
13. They both have brought so much joy into our lives!


Amy C said...

That is a nasty scrape. Poor guy. It's a hard knock life. . .

Pearson Family said...

OUCH!!! Those guys are the best, and so special.

Unknown said...

I do love those blue eyes! Is Ben a thumb sucker??

Phillips Family said...

I love how they share such random things in common!

Margaret K said...

Funny, I had a dream about Benjamin's toes a couple of nights ago. Cute boys... I think Carter is going to be your laid back one.

Darby said...

YAY! And some new stuff I didn't know...the secrets that only a mommy knows :o) Thanks for sharing!