Monday, July 31, 2006

Coming to an End!

Carter (6 months) and Korley (4 months)
Well my summer is coming to an end - I mean 2 days end! I start back work on Thursday. We had a great weekend to celebrate or mourn me going back to work. Saturday night we met the Edward's at a b-ball game - yes, Ben was in HEAVEN!!! Carter and Korley went on their first official date; and I must say, they had a great time. Sparks were a flying! We had a great afternoon on Sunday, we went swimming. And then today, we went on our weekly trip to the zoo. I think I will miss not going to the zoo every Monday. Even though it is the same animals, it is different experiences every week! The Flecther's met us there. We got to ride the train 5 times. Benjamin talked about the train and rhino all the way home, or at least until he fell asleep! We are off to Mum's and Granddad's for Tuesday and Wednesday. Hopefully I will get more pictures of the boys up. Carter is sitting up on his own now!


jenny biz said...

I hope you really enjoy your next 2 days! Have fun on your trip!

Pearson Family said...

He is cheating on Emaline! Check out my blog. That is too funny. Oh Angie. Enjoy your last few days before school starts again. We will miss you at the zoo...but we can go every other week, right?

Unknown said...

Angie, Ethan fell asleep in the car before we left the parking lot... I transferred him to the bed where I thought to myself how hot the zoo made him. Cut to a few hours later and the fever was up to 103.5 and the throwing up began!! I so hope your boys don't get any Ethan germs.

1literatimommy said...

enjoy your time at school. the beginning of the year is so exciting and fun.

Margaret K said...

Hope you have a good trip. I'll be thinking of you Thursday when you start back. Hope all goes well!

Amy C said...

I am so glad that you will get to stay home with the boys every other week. I know you savor every minute of time with the. What a nice deal! You are a great mommy.

Darby said...

What a little ladies man!

Boo to going back to least you don't have to go every day!